Our aim is to bring astronomy IMPRS students from Munich and Heidelberg together. In the Hackathon, we will have time to work on joint projects, learn new skills, and build new connections and collaborations with other early career researchers.
A Crash Course in Teaching for PhDs
AI tools in our research
Astrobites: A global outreach collab of PhD students
Bayesian Inference in the Machine Learning Era
Do we trust Black Boxes in Astrophysics?
Effective science outreach
Exploring interactive educational assignments
From closed source to open source
Introduction to Git
Introduction to PyGAD -- analyzing cosmological simulation..
Matplotlib: Tips, tricks, and common pitfalls
Meditation practice
Mental Health in Academia
Modelling Interstellar-Medium Spectroscopic Features
Navigating challenges as an international PhD student!
Reproducible research environments
SciComm & Outreach as an Early Career Astronomer
Solving PDEs - Finite Elements and deal.II
Spectroscopic intuition
Sustainability in Astronomy
What to do after your PhD?