× This Challenge was posted 5 months ago

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format-agnostic N-body simulation snapshot reader in Julia


Julia is modern concise dynamic language with a focus on number crunching and good-quality data analysis libraries. This makes it a appropriate choice for working with N-body simulation snapshots. To do something with a snapshot you'll need to read it first.


The 'snapshot reading' land (as far as I know) looks as following: - MERA can read RAMSES snapshots and be extended for any desired analysis; - GadgetIO reads/writes Gadget2 binary snapshots; - HDF5 can be used to read Gadget4 (see https://github.com/delos/gadget4-tools for inspiration); - AstroPlot can apparently also read something.


Low-level format-agnostic Julia package that can just read most of the simulation snapshots.


My initial idea is to try to wrap unsio C++ library and see how far we can get this way. I have a half-written read-only wrapper that can handle NEMO snapshots, but it is not yet tested on anything serious. Unsio also have various of stability and performance issues, therefore the right approach might be to do everything in Julia from the start. I'm open to discussion.

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